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Tamarinds are slow-growing, long-lived, evergreen trees which have 3 - 8 inch long, brown, irregularly curved pods in abundance along the new branches. As the pods mature, they fill out somewhat and the juicy, acidulous pulp turns brown or reddish-brown. When fully ripe, the shells are brittle and easily broken. The pulp dehydrates to a sticky paste enclosed by a few coarse stands of fiber .The pods contains flat, glossy brown, obviate seeds embedded in the brown, edible pulp.

Tamarind is generally used in India as paste or pulp in addition to its being a main constituent in our daily food preparations. India holds the credit of chief producer of this crop. This extremely sour fruit is available in whole pods, compressed blocks, paste or concentrate. It is used as a base for spicy and sometimes sweet sauces. It is often the main ingredient in juices, soups, chatnis and bean dishes.


Moisture 20%
Tamarind seed content 3%
Extraneous matter 1.0%
Acid insoluble ash 1%
Total tartaric acid 9%
Crop New Year
Origin India
Brand Sunita


The active constituents of Tamarind Seed Extract are of great benefit in skin care. Studies have shown that Tamarind Seed Extract significantly improves skin elasticity, hydration and Smoothness. In one recent study, Tamarind Seed Extract was found to outperform Hyalauronic Acid in skin miniaturization, and the smoothing of fine lines and wrinkles. Tamarind Seed Extract is water soluble and is recommended for facial toners, moisturizers, serums, gels, masks. It is particularly useful in anti-aging formulations.


Appearance Brown powder
Odor Characteristic
Taste Characteristic
Particle Size 100% through 80 mesh
Loss on Drying 5.00% Max
Loss on Ash 5.00% Max
Heavy metals 10ppm Max
Arsenic(As) 1ppm Max
Lead(Pb) 1ppm Max
Mercury(Hg) Not Detected
Cadmium(Cd) 1ppm Max


The countries which are importing from India are:



Saudi Arabia


South Korea

United Kingdom

United States
